Kubernetes the Hardway using LXD
I am writing an enhanced tutorial for deploying kubernetes cluster on a limited resource system.
- This tutorial is based upon rgmorales 's k8s hard way on LXD
- Upgraded the base tutorial to use K8s updated version 1.22.3
- Used Multipass virtual system to host the Ubuntu Hosting machine
If you have very little available memory (say 8GB), I recommend going with this option. Install Multipass. Going through my tutorial you will be able to run the entire k8s cluster (3 Master Nodes with etcd cluster + 3 worker nodes and 1 Ingress load balancer (haproxy) to k8s cluster ). More importantly this entire cluster used less than 2GB of my laptop memory.
In this tutorial you will learn the following
- Multipass Install Instructions
- Prerequisites
- Installing the Client Tools
- Setting up Compute Resources
- Provisioning the CA and Generating TLS Certificates
- Generating Kubernetes Configuration Files for Authentication
- Generating the Data Encryption Config and Key
- Bootstrapping the etcd Cluster
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Control Plane
- Bootstrapping the Kubernetes Worker Nodes
- Configuring kubectl for Remote Access
- Deploying the DNS Cluster Add-on
- Smoke Test the cluster
- Cleaning Up activities
Note: The above lab takes typical 1-2 hours to setup and run all the above items.
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